
Skibob – practical examples

We start on the skibob, i.e. step by step

1. Familiarisation with mini skis
He/she who has no experience with skiing, he/she starts with bases of mini skis riding, i.e. slow downhill riding, curves, slip braking, ride on the ski tow and standing stability.  This all without the skibob. This is very simple and funny stage. The ride on mini skis is very similar to skating. 

Those who have basic skiing skills can start right with the skibob. Attention! Always start with the skibob at the slight slope!

2. Going up the slope
There are no limitations on the slope; you can use any ski tow, bench or gondola. 
– On the ski tow be standing on the mini skis and keep the skibob between your knees, leant on your thighs 

– On the bench keep the skibob put on the barrier or your knees – thus you occupy more than one place provided the traffic is not too busy. If more skiers go up, sit only on the edge seats with your skibob. Always keep the skibob with one hand at least to avoid its fall down from the bench tow!

3. Basic sitting position on the skibob
Sit comfortably on the skibob, seize the handles (like on the bicycle) and straddle away your legs. (In the curves, the inside leg serves as the support. If you leg is too near to the skibob or really on the skibob, it cannot provide the necessary support in curving). This is very frequent fault of beginners; think on it during your ride. 

4. Curving
The same like in bicycling just use the handle bars and turn your head in the curing direction. It is very natural and simple. The skibob is obedient and goes where you turn the handle bars.

5. Breaking
For breaking, we use edges of the whole skibob (slip breaking) and at the same time we help with mini skis. We can also break in the snowplough style or with mini skis rear end. In no case lift the handle bars. It is necessary to be always leant on the handle bars. If you lift up the handle bars, the frontal ski can loose the touch with the slope and there is the risk of skibob side crash and fall.

6. Carving ride
Go down the hill in slow curves. The riding speed in carving bows depends only on your skills and certainty. At the tilting into the curve, the rider body axe shall be in the skibob axe (the rider shall not tilt more or less than the skibob. When looking from the frontal view, the rider as well as the skibob shall be in one axe).

7. Drifting
On the steeper slopes where the carving ride cannot be used (the skibob speeds up too much, or there is not enough of space on the slope) we go down by drifting (slipping).    

8. Change of the gravity centre
This factor considerably influences the skibob manoeuvrability. The seat has some recess to suit the rider during the whole period of skibob riding.  The recess is intentionally only minor so that the rider can move back or towards during the ride and thus change the gravity centre and adapt the riding style to the actual needs. For example: if you move towards – your weight moves towards and the skibob is more willing to turn (slalom, quick drifting, difficult slope sections).  Moving the gravity centre back is used for the rapid downhill riding.  

9. Transport of the skibob
In the car, in the roof box or behind the driver’s seat. Assembled or disassembled. It depends only on you. The assembly after the total disassembly takes only 10 minutes (frame, seat, absorber and handle bars). But is it not always necessary. We recommend tilting the handle bars (to release two screws) – it takes only 30 seconds.  

Get experience and be regardful on the skibob  

Based on our experience, the skibob riding is very intuitive. That is why most of beginners is able to down the hill after 2 up 4 hours of training, this all in the speed and style of average skiers and snowboarders. At the beginning, please forget the black slope and get the certainty and skills before.  
Please, be reasonable and regardful on the skibob. Think of your safety and of the safety of those around you. The majority of you weight is on the skibob, thus your legs are under the minimum load, and in case of any crash the risk of injury is less than in case of skiers or snowboarders. You surely do not intend to injure or endanger anybody. This won’t happen if you use your common sense and observe the rules for slope traffic.  

Skibob – recommendations and advices

In this section we would try to answer your frequently asked questions regarding skibobs.

1. How to choose the skibob

Undoubtedly the price has the key role for any purchase. Nevertheless, when buying the skibob, it is necessary to consider also other factors to avoid the future disappointment after the first passed season. 

Robustness and frame rigidity 

This is the basic presumption of safe riding, because it is the frame that considerably influences the riding features of the whole skibob.  In case the skibob twirls and distorts under you during the riding you do not feet safe and cannot use the technical options of the skibob at all. You can encounter such problem at producers who try to decrease the weight of the skibob at any price. In order to reach this they use too much thin non-welded tubes for the construction of their frames, various plastic quick couplings and plastic parts. (The producer of racing skibob will try to reach the skibob weight of the 23 kg limit. On the contrary, the producer of recreation skibobs supposes that the hobby rider prefers the joy of riding instead of the speed limit overcoming and thus he tries to reduce the skibob weight to the minimum). It is always important to find the suitable compromise of the weight, fatigue strength (life service) and the frame rigidity. Besides the construction and the frame geometry the material of frame has its importance of course. Particular materials differ not only in the weight but mainly in their physical features.  

As there is some similarity between the bicycle and the skibob, you can find frames of skibobs made of the same material as used for bicycles

Hi-Ten steel – Today we find this steel even at the cheapest frames. Hi-Ten steel is solid and very weighty at the same time. Frames made of this steel are quite inclinable to corrosion, regardless the necessary surface treatment.  

Dural – This is the designation of various alloys of aluminium. The aluminium itself is very soft and that is why its alloys have to be used for frame production. Dural is three times lighter than the steel, but it is also less rigid. In order to reach the same rigidity as for steel frames, the tubes should be three times thicker which would cause the weight increase. That is why the dural tubes with larger diameter, or flattened, are used for the frame production and thus the rigidity of the steel frame is nearly obtained with keeping the low weight. The disadvantage of dural consists in the fact that due to the time and repeated load it undergoes structural changes that causes the subsequent breakage. (That is why the segment of BMX bicycles and Freestyle BMX bicycles the frames made of Cr-Mo steel prevail.)

Today the aluminium bicycle frames are mostly made of two types of aluminium alloy – alloys  6061T6, 7020T6, or 7005T6. (7005T6 is analogous to 7020T6, there is a minor difference in the chemical composition. The designation T6 determines the way of thermal treatment. In case of  T6 it means the solution annealing and the artificial ageing or the hardening at the maximum rigidity.) 7020T6 reaches much higher rigidity values compared to 6061T6 (approx. by 20 %).

It is necessary to perform the thermal treatment of tubes made of the alloy 7020T6 by drawing to release the internal stress. The solution annealing and the natural ageing are used for this. The solution annealing is usually made at temperatures 450 °C up to 575 °C during 6 up to 10 hours and shall be finished with quick cooling. Then, at the ambient temperature, the tubes start to natural age (to harden) with subsequent increase of their rigidity depending on the time expired from their solution annealing. The natural ageing shall be done in case of the alloy 7020T6 also after welding. During welding the tube gets warmed up around the welded joint and thus the structural changes occur and cause the change of mechanical features (softening and rigidity reduction). To reach back the original features given by the standard, the material shall be aged under the ambient temperature. During the first seven days from welding the material gets back its 90 % of rigidity, the resting 10 % are achieved in two or three weeks after welding, under the ambient temperature. This is advantageous not only at the frame production but also during the subsequent after- guarantee service in case of any repair.  

The alloy 6061T6 acquires the original mechanical features after welding by the artificial ageing, when the process of return to the original mechanical features is conditioned by heating.  It is necessary to keep the welded piece under defined temperature and for the defined time (for example at 170 °C up to 180 °C for the period of 8 hours) and let it aged so that the required value of rigidity is acquired back. The process of artificial ageing is very demanding as for the time and energies and it is necessary to observe the defined values and times. This feature of the alloy 6061T6 subsequently limits the repairs of fames due to the unavailability of equipment for the artificial ageing process.  

Cr-Mo steel – The more expensive frames are today made of the chrome- molybdenum steel. They are welded from tubes of double wall thickness (so-called double butted) when the middle section of tube has thinner wall thickness and the ends of tube, where it is more loaded, are thicker. The frames of Cr-Mo steel are more tough and better absorb the terrain irregularities than the aluminium frames. Also the fatigue strength of Cr-Mo steel is considerably better than of dural. The higher weight could be a moderate disadvantage but a well done frame can compete with the dural frame without any doubt. 

Carbon – The carbon composite material is five times lighter than the steel and has six times better rigidity. It perfectly absorbs vibrations.  It has nearly zero fatigue curve which means, simply said, that this material will nearly never get old and thus should not failure due to any breakage.   

The carbon has also some disadvantages. The high price is one of them. The second one, more consequential, is the fact that, during the production of the carbon frame, it is very important to observe the direction of fibres, their number, the proportion of carbon knitting and resin which is the binder of material and the number of layers of knitting. This all determines how and in what sections the frame will be flexible and rigid. The direction of carbon fibres in the frame determines also its resistance against shocks. Even we have stated that the carbon has nearly zero fatigue curve, the most important weak point of carbon is the vulnerability of its surface. The carbon frames are quite sensitive to the mechanical damage, and if the shock hits from the direction other than for which the frame is designed it can be destructive for the frame. When a stone hits the frame tube or if a side shock occurs, these are the typical situations. After such damage the carbon is unrecoverable in fact. Regarding the fact that the risk that you crash with our skibob on a side is much higher that in case of a bicycle, we do not believe that the carbon is suitable material for the skibob frame. 

Titanium – The titanium would be absolutely ideal material for our purpose. The titanium frame is very light even its rigidity nearly reaches the steel. It is resistant against corrosion and the material fatigue.  The titanium can absorb shocks and has the shape memory, which is its best advantage. If the frame lightly bends due to the shock, it returns to its original shape without any bending effect at the place of shock. The disarranged structure or bended tubes simply do not exist with the titanium frame. If a very strong shock happens and the car runs over the frame, there are only two options: damaged frame or fully undamaged frame. But, the titanium is very expensive and its treatment is very difficult. Smaller ateliers cannot afford such top technology. The preparation is elaborate, expensive and often requires years of development. The background shall correspond to it. It is necessary to exactly observe the technological procedure when working with the titanium. That is why only few companies, mastering the treatment of such material, produce the titanium frames. Most of producers take knowledge gained in work within the aircraft industry. We can say that the producer’s experience is the key factor for the final quality of the titanium frame. The frames are usually custom-made, manually made in small series and that is why their price is so high.  

Based in above-mentioned features of particular materials and regarding the fact that the skibob is mostly similar to BMX bike, we have decided to produce frame for our skibobs from the Cr-Mo steel.

Adjustable suspension according to the weight of rider 

As in case of bikes, the suspension is a very part of the skibob. There are producers who pretend that one suspension (one stiffness) is fully satisfactory.  Do you really think that the same stiffness can fit to a woman of weight 57 kg and to a man of weight 100 kg? Most of gas, oil or air absorbers allow at least several levels of suspension stiffness. If the absorption is made with gum or rubber silent block (spring), it is not possible to adjust the suspension rigidity. It is simply fixed regardless your weight and your needs.  

Maintenance costs 

The simple and robust construction of the skibob ensures the minimum requirements on the maintenance and service. The more of complex mechanisms or plastic or rubber parts susceptible to breakage we have, the higher costs of their repairs are. Of course, the spare parts can be purchased, but at what price?

Watch out for handymen 

Today we can find on the Internet various offers of self-assigned handymen and garage producers who offer the custom-made production of skibobs. (This problem also relates to the amateur fanciers who offer production of various recumbent bikes, special bikes or scooters).  Beside the fact that the price of such products is much higher than of our products, and in many cases it also equal to the price of top quality racing machine, we would like to call your attention to some related dangers. Above all, it means the breach of defined processes of production. Most of amateur producers commit the fault right at the beginning of production when they choose the unsuitable material for the frame production. The handymen have to do so because it is not easy to buy the required tubes of suitable material, as Cr-Mo 4130, Al 7020T6 or Al 6061T6. In most cases it is necessary to order this material from Asia where most of important bicycle producers have shifted their production, and this all in such quantity that is not acceptable for the minor producer due to costs. That is why most of these hobby producers choose various alternatives. They often choose tubes of absolutely common steel or of unsuitable aluminium alloy that do not fits for skibob due to its mechanical properties. Further faults result from it, mainly as for the welding. The welding of aluminium, stainless steel or Cr-Mo steel is generally very demanding as for the technological procedure. It is necessary to observe the correct way of pre-heating, parameters of welding, subsequent way of cooling etc. The welder shall be skilled in work with such materials and welding of such material shall be his main job. Otherwise the results are very poor. 

There are numerous cases when such amateur simply buys the first dural tube he see in the shop, without knowing the composition of given aluminium alloy, he starts with the construction of the equipment. Then he brings the cut tubes to another amateur, of the same enthusiasm, to perform welding. The unsightly welds, wrong welds or burnt material and fragile material around the weld are the results. Such amateur do not hesitate to take a picture of his fully loaded products to show the world what excellent product he made. He does not care that his frame resists only to the large static load, which is quite attractive at the first sight, but it says nothing about the frame reaction to the dynamic load and cyclic stress, being much more important points of view.  

Nedostatek zkušeností vede k nedostatečným výsledkům.

Definitely not this way!

The way of ski fixation is further nuisance that you can find at small producers. Also here we can see the reasons of it, as the small producers can hardly reach the necessary material; in this case it means the original screws of binding.  So the improvisation comes here again. The picture shows that the binding is fixed by self-drilling screws going through the ski running surface. Not only the running surface has been damages, but in addition, the ski is weakened and can break in case of running over a small irregularity that would the standard skis produced under correct technological procedure master. 

Špatný způsob upnutí lyže vedl nejen ke znehodnocení skluznice, ale v konečném důsledku také k prasknutí celé lyže.

Pure dilettantism

Further often imperfections of amateur producers include for example the wrong frame geometry, wrong quality of final surface treatment, wrong seat (wrong material as well as realization) cheap “no-name“ skis… We do not want to judge all small producers but it is necessary to be attentive. Your health and safety are mostly concerned.  

2. Shall I buy the original foot ski?

The foot skis are the mini skis fixed on feet of the rider and helping the rider to keep the stability on the skibob. According to regulations of FISB they are the obligatory equipment of the skibob rider (without mini skis you can only hardly go up with the skibob using the ski tow). These foot skis can be fixed on the majority of classic ski boots. The length of our foot ski is 55 cm, the width 88 mm. These skis have no curve diameter and are fully straight. Again, this is the foot ski profile used also by our representation. The price of our foot skis is CZK 2500,-.

Footski from

Footski from

We know that some of clients use old downhill ski, shortened by cutting and equipped with binding instead of the original foot skis. Of course, we cannot push our client to by our original foot skis, but we are convinced that the investment of CZK 2500,- will pay back for sure. Please consider that the original foot skis have no curving. The reason is that they should behave neutrally because the skibob skis have some diameter. If somebody cuts off the downhill curving skis, having their own lesser or bigger diameter, then such skis cannot be neutral when going down the hill. Even if you find some old bazaar classic straight ski without carving, there is another very important reason to buy the original foot skis. It is their thickness of 14 mm all over their length (55 cm). That is why such skis can resist to an incredible load. Compared with downhill ski the ski thickness decreases towards the tip, often to only 7 mm. It is clear, which skis have longer life service.  

More about the skibob

What the skibob is?

Skibob is one of ways how to go down the snowy slopes. The rider sits on the skibob and is in touch with the slope thanks to two skis fixed on the skibob in one line (the frontal one is steerable) and to shorter skis fixed on feet (foot ski).

A bit of history

The first mention of skibob dates in the year 1892 when the American Stevens patented the first skibob. In fifties of 20th century the Austrian E. Brenter completes the skibob with mini ski fixed on rider’s feet. Thanks to them the rider gets another two contact points with the slope and thus the increased safety in skibob riding. Mini skis are only little bit longer than the boot and thus the risk of ski jamming and subsequent leg fracture is eliminated. Originally the skibob was one of few options for people with troubles with knees how to do alpine skiing but very soon it has got the popularity also among healthy people. In the year 1961 the International skibob federation – FISB – has been established. Today it has its office in Munich and associates about 20 national skibob federations among which the most important as Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, France, USA, Canada, Great Britain and Poland belong. Since 1967 the World championship is held every year and recently also the series of the World Cup. The competition includes the downhill race, slalom, giant slalom, super G and the parallel slalom. 

Czech riders belong to the absolute world top which is confirmed for example by 22 medals from the World Championship and the European Championship of Alena Hrbková (born Hanousková), 29 titles of the World champion of Irena Francová- Dohnálková and 30 titles of the World championship of World Cup final results of Alena Housová

Skibob from

Speed records 

There is an interesting and independent category of the skibob sport focused on speed records on the so-called flying kilometre. It is extremely dangerous discipline.  It is necessary to find the steepest and the longest slope for these attempts. Then the snow is smoothed down and rammed down, usually manually as the slope is so steep that no machinery can enter it. When the terrain is suitably adapted, two electronic measuring gates are places at the distance of 500 metres (on the upper and the lower slope section). The racer aims to ride the skibob at the maximum speed between these gates. The time of measured section is converted at km/hr. The racer has to repeat it again in the second race. Both results are converted in an average result. Today the world speed record value on the skibob is 204 km/hr. In case of ski it is 251 km/hr.

Do you wonder why there is such difference between the world speed ski and skibob record? There is only one simple reason – the length of skis. The longer the skis are, the faster you go down. Skiers of this discipline use much longer skis than it is possible for the skibob.  

Equipment of the rider (according to FISB)

The rider uses the single-track steerable skibob that shall be equipped with the front steerable ski and the following rear ski in the same line. The obligatory equipment includes also 2 mini ski fixed on feet of the racer. The skibob as well as skis can be produced of any material. For all disciplines of seniors as well as juniors the maximum length of skibob is defined at 230 cm with allowed variation up to 5 cm and at the maximum weight 23 kg plus 0,5 kg of tolerance. For the age group of children the skibob length is defined at the maximum 230 cm and its weight must not exceed 13 kg. The length of ski is unified for all disciplines and all age groups and is determined at the maximum allowable clearance length 55 cm with the tolerance of 5 cm. It is not allowed to use any supplementary weights in order to increase the total weight of the skibob, for example by the lead jacket, and the racer can use only the usual clothing. The closed helmet belongs to the obligatory equipment of the racer according to FISB. It is allowed to use the opened helmet for the slalom and the parallel slalom.  

Recommended equipment 

Analogous to the skiing or the snowboarding, the basic equipment includes the suitable waterproof trousers, the quality helmet with fitting ski glasses and ski gloves. We also recommend using the hip spine protector. The security straps preventing the mini ski to run away as well as the lock against the skibob theft during the refreshment in the ski centre are advised.  In addition, the small bag used on bicycle frame could be also useful. Here you can store your cards, car keys and other small objects that could be inconvenient being stored in your pockets during your ride.

Main advantages of skibob

Safety – the most important matter of our skibobs 

We accentuate the quality of production and the safety of our skibobs.  That is why we have invited the best professionals in developing our frames. The choice of correct frame dimensions and the suspension provide the skibob and the rider with better comfort. Thanks to skis fixed on the rider’s feet the risk of rollover is maximally eliminated.  

Just sit on and ride the skibob 

The skibob is the excellent solution for those who do not want to dedicate several days for subsequent and slow improvement on skies or snowboard. Our experience shows that the beginning skibob rider can go down the slope after 2 up 4 hours of training, safely in the speed of average skier. Can anybody say the same in case of ski or snowboard?

The basic presumption does not include the age, the physical condition even not the experience. You only need to know to bicycle (balancing is similar to cycling) and to master basic ski (skating) skills. It means the breaking with slide slip and the snow plough stopping and the capability to stay stable on mini ski when using the ski tow.  

He/she who has no experience of skiing, he/she has to master the bases, i.e. the prudent downhill run, the breaking with slide slip and the stability when standing on mini ski. So far this all without the skibob. It is very simple and funny stage. The skiing on mini ski is very similar to skating.  

Those who have the basic experience of skiing can start to learn riding the skibob right now.  Whilst when learning to ski or snowboard you cannot avoid any falls due to front-rear stability failure, this is not possible with skibob as the sitting on the seat is very sure. On the skibob you have the contact with 3 up 4 places of the ski slope – depending on the riding style (two mini ski and two skibob skis).

Skibob equals to the comfort 

Everybody who spent three days on skis or the snowboard knows how muscles can hurt. This is not possible with the skibob. It’s thanks to the comfortable sitting on the skibob.  Skibob from Skibobs.euFeet with mini ski only “glide” on the snow and help to keep the balance and stability during riding. Thanks to the seat shape, similar to the motorbike seat, the riding the skibob is much more comfortable than riding the bicycle. The skibob rider is not leaned forward so much than on the bike so the back does not suffer so much. That is why you can enjoy even one week riding with the skibob without having troubles to ascend the stair in the evening. Not only leisure sportsmen but also those with health troubles appreciate it. Knees, hips and the backbone are much more times loaded than on the skibob. As explained above, the weight of your body leans on the ski bob, whereas your feet only freely slide on the snow. Who can stop on the slope and comfortably enjoy lively views? Only you because you sit on the convenient seat covered with the real leather. And, after taking pleasure in the view or after waiting for other members of your group who profess skiing or snowboarding, and after they take a rest, you can get back in action!

No limitation with skibob 

Skibob is especially suitable for those lovers of winter pleasures who cannot ski or snowboard due to health troubles (troubles with knees, hips or backbone, with lower limb amputation etc…) at all or only within the limited scope. And they are not few. 

Based on our experience we know that people with health troubles skied one half a day with difficulties but on the seat of skibob they were able to go down on alpine slopes for several days with the smile on their faces.  

Skibob, it mainly means new experiences 

Skibob is the excellent way for all actual skiers and snowboarders who desire to get new experiences and have fun on the snow

On the skibob, you are simply original 

Do you like to attract the attention? Even dressed only in white, nobody overlooks you on the skibob. – models

With its construction and the riding style the skibob mostly reminds of BMX bike. The philosophy of our concept is based on this similarity. To use and to combine the up-to-date knowledge from the cycling domain (especially from the MBX segment) and the ski and skibob domain. The carefully chosen diameters of frame tubes, the optimum angle of head tube, the optimal length of the upper frame tube, the clear and simple frame line, perfectly welded joints, and this all ensure the perfect frame function of our skibob.

The engineers who participated in the construction of our skibob belong to the world top experts in this domain.

A series of components of our skibob is made by the perfect machining using the CNC machines. We have entrusted the production of skis to the renowned company with long term experience of which skis are used also by the Czech skibob representation and some of German ski sportsmen. The seats of our skibobs are hand-made and sewn from the real leather or the hi-tech material used also for racing motorbike saddles. Handlebars, head composition, stem, grips, seat absorber, this all is chosen regarding the quality, your safety and comfort. Thanks to our responsible approach, cooperation with real professionals and to our nearly twenty years´ experience in the metal production, metallurgy and sport the really top product has been created.

Although our skibobs are primarily determined for amateurs they conform to all criteria of FISB (International skibob federation). 

Skibob from

Skibob from

Skibob from

Skibob from

Skibob from

Skibob from

Technická specifikace skibobu:
Weiht:11,2 kg
Material:Combination of the stainless steel and the premium chrome-molybdenum steel.
Handlebars:Quality BMX handlebars, due to the high seat to reduce the backbone load.
Absorber:Oil absorber with adjustable rigidity according to the style of riding and the weight of the rider. The maximum absorber lift is 8cm.
Ski:SKIBOBS PTS is the very quality ski with wooden core, triaxial, length 100 cm, radius 8m, 117x86x99 mm
SKIBOBS PROFI CARBON (fully identical skis used by the professional riders of the Czech representation). These skis do not admit of any compromise. Length 100cm, radius 11,5m, 89x70x81 m
Composition of head:Top-quality head composition Ahead 1″1/8 with enclosed bearings 
Grips:Comfortable grips with locking rings
Stem:Light Alu BMX stem
Seat:Hand-made seat made of leather or hi-tech material used for motorbike seats.  
Rám:SB 01 (size S and M, adjustable for the height 155-175 cm)
or the frame
SB 02 (size L and XL, adjustable for the height 180-200 cm)
Barevné provedení skibobů:

Colour versions of skibobs:

You can choose from two beautiful metallic colours (blue or red wine) and the luxury matt black.  

The delivery does not include the foot ski. It means the mini skis fixed on the rider’s feet. These foot ski can be fixed on the absolute majority of classic ski shoes. The length of these foot skis is 55 cm, the width is 88 mm. These skis have no diameter of carving, they are completely straight. Again, these are the professional skis used by our representation. The price of our foot skis is CZK 2.500,-. – objednávka a kontakt

Frýdecká obchodní s.r.o.
Sídlo:Tržní 23, Frýdek-Místek, 738 01
Jednatel:Ivan Sopko
Tel:+420 736 614 390

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